Published: 29th JUNE 2021

School Cycle and Scooter Parking Fund in Scotland

The Cycle and Scooter Parking Grant Fund helps make travelling actively to school a more viable option for pupils in Scotland.

A group of children cycling along a traffic-free cycle route

What is the Cycle and Scooter Parking Grant Fund?

It is funding for the installation of cycle and/or scooter parking facilities in schools and nurseries based in Scotland.

Cycle parking facilities can range from:

  • individual cycle stands
  • shelters
  • cycle lockers
  • secure storage
  • and scooter parking.

Why is the funding needed?

Secure cycle and scooter parking is a crucial factor in encouraging cycling to school or nursery.

Getting it right can be a very effective way for schools to promote active journeys to school and reduce traffic congestion at the school gates.

It is also a visible way of publicising cycling and making cyclists feel valued.

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The way the kids have been involved in the design process has given them ownership of the shelter. Blockquote quotation marks
Phil Neill, Head Teacher at Torrance Primary School who installed their cycle shelter in 2018

Who can apply for the Cycle and Scooter Parking Grant Fund?

Applications can be made by local authorities, not schools themselves. 

If your school is interested in applying for funding, please liaise with the relevant contact in your local authority.

If you aren't sure who this is, please email

We encourage you to get in touch with your local authority as soon as possible.

We will prioritise applications that clearly demonstrate how they have applied best practices in identifying the type and location of the proposed cycle parking facilities.

Any school or nursery receiving funding must take part in the Hands Up Scotland Survey.

Secure cycle and scooter parking can help promote active journeys to school and reduce traffic congestion at the school gates. Photo: East Dunbartonshire Council.

What is the application process?

  1. Download the Cycle and Scooter Parking Fund Guidance.
  2. Download the Cycle and Scooter Parking application information for schools.
  3. If your school is interested in applying for funding, please liaise with the relevant contact in your local authority. 

All applications need to be made through the local authority.

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It’s made more people bring their bikes to school. Blockquote quotation marks
Pupil at Torrance Primary School


What are the timescales?

  • Friday 10 September 2021: All applications should be submitted.
  • Friday 24 September 2021: Successful applicants will be notified.
  • Friday 22 October 2021 (or within 28 days of receipt, whichever is later): Two copies of the Offer Letter must be signed by the local authority. Sustrans will countersign and return a copy for records.
  • Friday 7 January 2022: Site works to be completed.
  • Monday 28 February 2022: Completed claim form returned to Sustrans.
  • Thursday 31 March 2022: Project report including before and after monitoring data submitted to Sustrans.

How much funding is available?

Local authorities can apply for a maximum of £10,000 per school.


For further information and guidance please email


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