Published: 9th DECEMBER 2020

Pocket Places Scotland

Pocket Places supports communities across Scotland to find simple, quick, temporary solutions to improve the look and feel of their streets.

A mother visits a Sustrans Pocket Places stand with her two children

Delivered by Sustrans Scotland with funding from Transport Scotland, the project is currently being delivered in Glasgow, Renfrewshire, Fife and Inverclyde.

It builds on Sustrans’ recent work in England around small scale change with their Street Pockets and Pocket Places programmes.

Uniquely for Scotland, Pocket Places is being delivered within a one-year cycle from design to installation.

By making small-scale changes to local streets, the project hopes to inspire further improvements and encourage communities to apply for other Sustrans support for larger-scale change, such as Street Design or Places for Everyone funding. 

Supporting local change

Pocket Places is working with local residents in Shawlands in Glasgow, Kilbarchan in Renfrewshire, Greenock in Inverclyde and Dunfermline in Fife to make small-scale changes to transform local neighbourhoods.

Already, engagement sessions have been held to find out more about the problems and opportunities faced by the local community in each area.

This feedback will inform our Pocket Places team when coming up with designs and solutions to improve each street.

The team will also provide the support and the resources to make the change.

Community-led design

It will be up to residents, local councils, businesses and community members to decide together what will happen in their area.

Changes could be temporary or semi-permanent.

They could include one-off events such as street closure or pop-up parks.

Longer-term solutions are also being trialled including benches, planters, crossings or artworks.

And, there is always the option for the changes to be made permanent.

Creating liveable neighbourhoods

We have a track record and wide-ranging experience and expertise in urban design and community engagement.

Every street has the potential to be a place with greenery, clean air, and priority given to people, enabling them to use the space as a community and travel actively.

Pocket Places helps to bring that potential to life.

How can you apply?

The Pocket Places programme is open to applicants from all parts of Scotland.

We normally accept Expressions of Interest three times a year (March, July and November).

However, delivery of our current Pocket Places projects has been delayed by Covid-19 and at this time we are unable to progress any new application for the programme.

We anticipate we will be in a position to accept new Expressions of Interest in 2022.

Please keep a look out for further information and promotion in 2022.


Downloadable documents

Please note that the documents below are now out of date.

Please check back in 2022 for more information on applying.


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