Published: 14th AUGUST 2020

Schools volunteer in Crawley, Reigate and Banstead

Help us get the next generation cycling, scooting and walking to encourage an active and fun lifestyle. If you are passionate about walking or cycling and want to help with practical activities and events, we are looking for enthusiastic volunteers to inspire school children and communities to help make a difference.

  • Role: Community
  • Location: Crawley, Reigate and Banstead
  • Time commitment: 2 half days per school term
  • Type: Volunteer role
  • Closing date: Ongoing
  • Reference: 241019

Why become a Sustrans volunteer?

As a Schools volunteer, you will: 

  • make a difference in the health and wellbeing of young people
  • help reduce congestion and pollution around schools
  • be active, meet new people and give something back to your community 
  • receive free training and support
  • gain experience in planning and running events.

What does a Sustrans school volunteer do?

As a schools volunteer you’ll be supporting Sustrans staff to run a range of fun and exciting activities to raise awareness of the benefits of active travel. Examples include:

  • running an after-school bike club
  • supporting a ‘Ditch the stabilisers’ session 
  • arranging activities such as ‘Bling your bike’, bike breakfasts or smoothie bike sessions
  • helping out at a local bike gaming for someone else to give a talk
  • producing and handing out promotional materials
  • supporting or leading rides, following Sustrans’ guidance and training.

What we're looking for

We are looking for people who are:

  • passionate about active travel and willing to travel by bike or on foot to school events 
  • excellent communicators 
  • good motivators, acting as a source of support and encouragement for young people & school staff 
  • good with children 
  • enthusiastic to inspire school children and communities to help make a difference.

Other desirable skills are: 

  • leading bike rides
  • bike maintenance 
  • teaching

Time commitment

We are looking for someone who can help run two or more activities per school term as a morning, afternoon or after-school (up to 5:30 pm) session.

Training and support offered

Sustrans will provide you with the training, skills and tools you need to carry out this role.

All volunteers have access to:

  • online training including our Sustrans essential course
  • activity-specific training from our schools officer
  • Sustrans volunteer training courses to support your volunteering.

Safeguarding children, young people and adults at risk

Our Safeguarding Statement sets out Sustrans’ organisational commitment to safeguarding best practice.

Equality, diversity and inclusion at Sustrans

Sustrans is committed to representing the diverse communities we work with, and we welcome applicants from all backgrounds. We value equality and inclusiveness and believe that a diverse organisation brings with it a diversity of ideas and ways of working which strengthens everything we do.

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