Parliamentary champions

Our parliamentary champions believe in and advocate for the right of every child to be able to walk, cycle and scoot to school safely.

More widely, they promote the political and policy change needed to enable more people to travel by foot or by bike for short everyday journeys to help fight against congestion, air pollution, the physical inactivity epidemic, and obesity crisis.

If your MP is not present below please get in touch with them and ask them to become a parliamentary champion.

Peter Aldous MP (C)

Rt Hon Baroness Armstrong of Hill Top (L)

Lord Austin of Dudley (Non-Affiliated)

Steve Barclay MP (C)

Lord Bates (C)

Lord Berkeley OBE (L)

Ben Bradshaw MP (L)

Graham Brady MP (C)

Steve Brine MP (C)

Ruth Cadbury MP (L)

Alex Chalk (C)

Rt Hon Lord Davies of Oldham (L)

Rt Hon Jeffrey Donaldson MP (DUP)

Rt Hon Lord Dholakia OBE (LD)

Lord Alf Dubs (L)

Maria Eagle MP (L)

Tim Farron MP (LD)

Simon Fell MP (C)

Sir Roger Gale (C) 

Chris Green MP (C)

Kate Green OBE MP (L)

Fabian Hamilton MP (L)

Rt Rev Lord Harries of Pentregarth (Cross Bench)

Helen Hayes MP (L)

Sir Oliver Heald MP (C)

Chris Heaton-Harris MP (C)

Drew Hendry MP (SNP)

Darren Henry MP (C)

Meg Hillier MP (L and Coop)

Wera Hobhouse MP (Lib Dem) 

Dan Jarvis (L)

Rt Hon Lord Barry Jones (L)

Baroness Jenny Jones (G)

Rt Hon Lord Neil Kinnock (L)

Julian Knight MP (C)

Baroness Ruth Lister (L)

Pauline Latham OBE MP (C) 

Caroline Lucas MP (G)

Rachael Maskell MP (L)

Kerry McCarthy MP (L)

Ian Mearns MP  (L)

Stephen Morgan MP (L)

John McNally (SNP)

Amanda Milling (C)

Sheryll Murray MP (C)

Neil O'Brien MP (C) 

Chi Onwurah MP (L) 

Guy Opperman MP (C)

Mark Pawsey MP (C)

Yasmin Qureshi MP (L)

Lord Rana MBE (CB)

Baroness Randerson (LD)

Gavin Robinson MP (DUP)

Andrew Selous MP (C)

Barry Sheerman MP (L)

Lord Shipley OBE (LD)

Henry Smith MP (C)

Nick Smith MP (L)

Karin Smyth MP (L)

Lord Robin Teverson (LD)

Rt Hon Stephen Timms MP (L)

Lord Truscott

Robin Walker MP (C)

Alan Whitehead MP (L)

Rt Hon Lord Larry Whitty (L)

Hywel Williams MP (PC)

Rt Hon Lord Young of Cookham (C)

Daniel Zeichner (L)

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