Published: 11th MAY 2021

Forth Meadow Community Greenway: Exercising Common Routes

Sustrans and Intercomm will recruit and train a team of volunteers in a range of walking and cycling activities alongside mediation skills. These volunteers will be supported to then empower and lead people to enjoy the Forth Meadow Community Greenway and promote the shared space.

Forth Meadow Community greenway volunteers at National Standard Level 1 cycle training, standing with their bikes on the bridge at Springfield Dam in May 2021

Forth Meadow Community Greenway volunteers at National Standard Level 1 cycle training at Springfield Dam in May 2021

About the project

Forth Meadow Community Greenway is a new £5.1 million EU PEACE IV-funded project.

It aims to connect existing open spaces in north and west Belfast along a 12km route leading to the new Transport Hub in the city centre.

Putting the community at the heart of the project

Alongside the physical infrastructure, the project will also deliver exciting community engagement at key sections along the Greenway.

And it will support volunteering opportunities to help bring communities together and promote the use of the shared space such as:

  • ambassadors
  • walk and cycle leaders
  • history tour guides
  • and nature guides.

Free training offered to volunteers

The volunteer walk and cycle leaders will get free training delivered by Sustrans and Intercomm.

The training will empower volunteers to promote positive relationships and encourage dialogue within the community.

They will also support efforts to bring about shared community use through walking and cycling activities on the Greenway and in surrounding communities.

Interested in volunteering?

The Greenway is at the heart of this project.

And we need volunteers to help bring it to life and encourage local people to get out walking and cycling.

So if you appreciate the green space around you then volunteering for this project may be just up your street. Literally!

Why you should volunteer with us

We offer loads of benefits and free training for our volunteers:

  • mediation training
  • cycle skills Levels 1 and 2
  • cycle leader training (16.5 hours in total)
  • walk leader training (16 hours in total)
  • safeguarding training
  • first aid training.

You'll receive regular communication with Sustrans to support you in your role.

And you'll get direct support from your Sustrans volunteer coordinator, whenever you need it.

When agreed in advance, travel expenses and the cost of lunch at any full-day training and volunteering sessions can be reimbursed.

What we need from you

We're looking for enthusiastic people who can inspire their community to walk or cycle on the Forth Meadow Community Greenway. 

You must be able to commit to 30 hours training between March and December 2021.

And you'll need to attend the required training in accordance with current Covid-19 government restrictions and NHS guidance.

Once you've received all your training, you'll need to regularly lead cycle rides or walks on the Forth Meadow Community Greenway.

Online information events

This volunteer opportunity is aimed at individuals and community groups along the 12km stretch of the Greenway. We can offer online engagement sessions tailored to your community group at a date and time that suits you.

Email for more information.

Contact us

To find out more about the project and about volunteering with us please email or call Rachel on 07876 453 515.

Watch this short video on the Forth Meadow Community Greenway

Find out more about Belfast City Council PEACE IV Plan.

The programme is financed through the European Union and managed by the Special EU Programmes Body (SEUPB).

Forth Meadow Comunity Greenway funding banner made up of logos from: European Regional Development Fund, Peace IV Northern Ireland-Ireland, Belfast City Council, Government of Ireland and NI Executive logos
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