Published: 1st DECEMBER 2020

Community Active Travel Programme in Northern Ireland

Are you a community group or individual who would like to walk or cycle more? Our Community Active Travel Programme is about encouraging people in communities across Belfast to walk and cycle more as part of everyday life.

three women on a group ride with Sustrans staff member Tom in a park with Belfast Harland and Wolf cranes in the background

Belfast Community Groups

We work with people and groups from communities across Belfast, partnering with community leaders to create programmes and run activities local people want. 

The Communities team have worked with a range of groups from youth groups to women’s and men’s groups, parents and toddlers, voluntary sector workers and the migrant community.

We are always looking new and different groups so if you are in the Belfast council area, get in touch.

We can work with your group to design, plan and deliver a programme that will suit the individuals in your community or group.

Working from a list of activities and your ideas we can create the programmes you want.

What we offer

We can develop and deliver free activities or a programme that will suit your group's needs best. Here is a little taster of the type of activities we offer:

Benefits of walking and cycling

Walking and cycling has many benefits. It can:

  • improve your fitness
  • boost your positive mental attitude and can help to relieve stress
  • be a sociable activity and time to interact with family and friends
  • be a low-cost way to travel around
  • be good for the environment
  • reduce your risk of heart disease and stroke
  • help improve your balance.

Watch the video below to find out more about the Belfast Community Active Travel programme:

We work in your community

We can work with you and deliver activities in a space within your local community or from one of our Active Travel Hubs.


Get in touch

We can tailor a programme of activities to suit you or a community group. 

Contact us to find out more about how we can help you.

This programme is funded by the Public Health Agency.

Useful information

Take a look at the health benefits of cycling and walking

Find out more about the benefits of cycling for children and families.

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