Published: 1st DECEMBER 2020

Active Travel Hubs in Northern Ireland

An Active Travel Hub embedded in the heart of a community can help us to raise awareness of issues around how we travel. Find out more about our Active Travel Hub in East Belfast.

group of women with their bikes in front of Sustrans Active Travel Hub at CS Lewis Square, Belfast as part of women into cycling programme

Northern Ireland is increasingly facing many challenges of congestion, air pollution, the climate crisis, as well as obesity and mental health problems.

We can help tackle these issues by providing practical local support so that more people can become active by walking and cycling.  

Having an Active Travel Hub at the heart of the community encourages active travel and brings multiple benefits so that we and future generations can live in a healthier, greener and happier place.

Active Travel Hubs are located at the following locations:

Man wearing helmet and hi vis reparing bike outside

Keep your bike safe and maintained

Bike Fix Basics
Training to keep your bike safe and maintained to help keep your bike roadworthy.

Our qualified mechanics will carry out a free assessment of your bike and undertake minor repairs.

Upcoming Bike Fix Basics and Dr. Bike sessions
large group of young children on bikes at cycle training session

Cycling Training for Children

Fun sessions to help children progress on their cycling journey. Our popular Ditch the Stabiliser sessions will encourage the transition from balance bikes/stabilisers to two wheels.

Upcoming Ditch the Stabiliser sessions

Try out our bikes

If you are thinking of cycling but don't have a bicycle our bike loan scheme offers you the chance to borrow a bicycle for a week to try it out.
E-Bikes now available!

Contact us to book
Group of people cycling along road in NI

Led Group Cycle Rides

Do you want to get out cycling on local greenways with some company?

Take part in a leisurely, fun cycle in a small group on mainly traffic-free routes.

Led group rides

Cycle Training for Adults

As more people are taking up cycling, there is a greater need than ever to ensure good cycling skills. We can help you learn to cycle safely and confidently with free cycle training, both traffic-free and on-road.

Cycle training for adults

For more information on any of the above or advice on traffic-free cycling, route planning or any of the Sustrans programmes, call into the Active Travel Hub at CS Lewis Square, East Belfast.

You can also call us on 07717 881207, or email


Read more about the health benefits of cycling and walking.


Take a look at our cycling for beginners guide.

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