Volunteer on the National Cycle Network

We have lots of volunteers up and down the UK who give their time to keep the National Cycle Network in top condition.

Sustrans volunteering and Covid-19

As restrictions begin to ease Sustrans will start to support small group volunteering activities on a case by case approach.

With the ‘stay at home’ message lifted, we continue to support our volunteers to carry small actions on the National Cycle Network.

Due to the Coronavirus outbreak, we've placed some restrictions on larger group volunteering activities to ensure the safety of our volunteers.

You are very welcome to apply for any of our current volunteering opportunities.

However, there may be a delay in processing your application. And you may not be able to get started properly in your role until regular volunteering starts back up.

Take a look at our Covid-19 page to find out more.

Lots of people give their time to help look after the National Cycle Network routes in their area.

They carry out regular route checks and clean or replace signs. They cut back vegetation and pick up litter.

All of the activities they carry out help to make sure the Network is safe for everyone to enjoy.

They are our eyes and ears on the National Cycle Network.

As well as helping to promote Sustrans and their local routes, they also keep an eye out for bigger problems on the path so these can be repaired.

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One of my most favourite things about being a Sustrans volunteer is the camaraderie. I now know lots of other volunteers and can join in different activities to help look after the Network. Blockquote quotation marks
John, Sustrans volunteer

Give a couple of minutes

We all lead busy lives. So if you’ve got a couple of minutes spare, there’s still loads you can do to look after your local route:

  • pick up a few bits of litter when you’re out and about
  • give grubby signs a wipe down
  • let us know if you spot a bigger problem or report this to your local authority.

Join a volunteer task day

Many of our volunteers host regular task days to carry out bigger activities over a larger stretch of the National Cycle Network. 

These task days are a great way to bring everyone together and have some fun whilst looking after the Network in your area.

And you may even get a nice hot brew and a biscuit or two.

Got a few hours to spare and would like to help look after your local route?

Check out our events for a volunteer task day near you.

Two volunteers smiling on the NCN with brushes

Why volunteer on the Network?

There are lots of great benefits to volunteering with Sustrans on the National Cycle Network.

Here are some of the top things people have said about why they love volunteering on the National Cycle Network:

  • keeping fit and healthy
  • getting outdoors in the fresh air
  • sharing your passion for cycling and walking with others
  • making a difference in your community.
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We volunteer with Sustrans because we believe we can make a difference to the environment. We want to help make cycling and walking a pleasure for everyone. Blockquote quotation marks
George and Marion, Sustrans volunteers on the National Cycle Network

How do I volunteer on the Network?

We’re always looking for an extra pair of helping hands and we’d love you to join us.

Got a couple of hours to spare? Join one of our volunteer task days on a National Cycle Network route near you. 

Looking for something a bit more regular? Check out our volunteer vacancies for an opportunity near you.

Meet Margaret, one of our National Cycle Network volunteers in Cardiff