Published: 3rd JULY 2020

4. Beyond the low traffic neighbourhood

In this final section, we explain how improvements to the boundary roads can complement low traffic neighbourhoods developments.

Complementary to low-traffic neighbourhoods are improvements to the boundary roads, which should include:

  • New or improved pedestrian and cycle crossings, reducing the severance created by major roads and enabling longer walking and cycling trips through adjacent neighbourhoods
  • Provision of segregated cycle infrastructure, particularly on key strategic routes into or across the city, often going hand-in-hand with bus priority measures
  • Widening of footways and replacement of car parking with cycle parking.

Particular consideration must be given to those LTN boundary roads which have a high place function, such as high streets.

These are often at the heart of local communities, providing essential amenities, and should not be dominated by through traffic.

Once low-traffic neighbourhoods have been implemented either side of a high street, local communities will experience the benefits of reduced through traffic.

They may demand the two neighbourhoods be joined up by restricting through traffic on the high street.

This can be done through timed or permanent restrictions to motor vehicles, creating new public space and delivering even greater benefits across the entire community.

An example of this transformation is Francis Road in Waltham Forest, formerly a congested and polluted B Road which has been transformed into a thriving high street (see Figure 4a).

Figure 4a: Francis Road, Waltham Forest (Image: Alejandra Leal @alelealv)

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