London Docklands and Lea Valley

The route starts at the Greenwich Maritime World Heritage Site and takes you under the Thames via the Greenwich Foot Tunnel. You will travel through the Isle of Dogs, before following the Regents Canal and the River Lea.

Along the route, you will pass various attractions. You may want to stop and take in the Cutty Sark, the Greenwich foot tunnel or Mudchute city farm.

The route also takes in the Regent's Canal towpath, Mile End Park and Victoria Park - one of the oldest municipal parks in the world, opened to the public in 1900. 

Other green spaces along include the Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, Hackney Marshes - the largest collection of football fields in Europe. Further north, there is Walthamstow Marsh Nature Reserve, Walthamstow Wetlands - Europe's largest urban wetland reserve - Springfield Park and the Lea Valley Regional Park.

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Please note

We have taken all responsible steps to ensure that these routes are safe and achievable by people with a reasonable level of fitness.

However, all outdoor activities involve a degree of risk. To the extent permitted by law, Sustrans accepts no responsibility for any accidents or injury resulting from following these routes.

Walking and cycling routes change over time. Weather conditions may also affect path surfaces.

Please use your own judgement when using the routes based upon the weather and the ability, experience and confidence levels of those in your group.

To make sure everyone gets the most out of their time by the water, please ensure that you follow the Towpath Code.

Please help us protect this route

The London Docklands and Lea Valley route is part of the National Cycle Network, cared for by Sustrans. Your donation today will help keep the Network safe and open for everyone to enjoy.

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