Starting at Abercynon and ending in Hirwaun this route twists and turns its way north west along the Cynon Valley.

Ride on to Caegarw and Mountain Ash past where a statue in honour of local running legend Guto Nyth Bran - a farmer's son born in 1700 - can be discovered. Every New Year's Eve the town holds the Nos Galon road races in his honour.

Follow the trail to Cwmbach, famous for its male voice choir, and on to the former mining town of Aberdare - the gateway to 500 acres of stunning countryside at the Dare Valley Country Park. There are lake centred activities and an interactive visitor centre. An ideal place for a picnic, there is also the enticingly-named Cwtch Cafe.

The route is linked to the Cynon River Park where a labyrinth of cycle paths is under development. The Abercynon end also connects with the Taff Trail.

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Please note

We have taken all responsible steps to ensure that these routes are safe and achievable by people with a reasonable level of fitness.

However, all outdoor activities involve a degree of risk. To the extent permitted by law, Sustrans accepts no responsibility for any accidents or injury resulting from following these routes.

Walking and cycling routes change over time. Weather conditions may also affect path surfaces.

Please use your own judgement when using the routes based upon the weather and the ability, experience and confidence levels of those in your group.

To make sure everyone gets the most out of their time by the water, please ensure you follow theĀ Towpath Code

Please help us protect this route

Cynon Trail is part of the National Cycle Network, cared for by Sustrans. Your donation today will help keep the Network safe and open for everyone to enjoy

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