Walking and Cycling Index Data

Explore our data through our collection of data dashboards

Introduction text

  • What is included - the survey, settings and demographic data
  • Dashboards offer different views of that data
  • From 18 cities across the United Kingdom and Ireland
  • Over bi-annual periods from 2015

What people think

Explore people's attitudes to walking, cycling and wheeling.

For example, you can find out what people think would make them cycle more, what they think of their local area, or where they would like to see government spending.

What people think

What people do

Explore people's walking, cycling and wheeling behaviours.

For example, you can find our how frequenctly people use different types of transport, what they cycle and walk for, or how many short journeys they make by car.

Explore people's behaviours
A man And A Woman Cycle On A London Road

Testing an image

In case we can't have these side by side, here's one with an image

Blue butterfly

Ben coleman

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