Bike Life West Midlands

Bike Life is such an important part of the West Midland's plans to create a healthier, happier, better connected and more prosperous region.

Bike Life West Midlands 2019 report front cover

Read the 2019 Bike Life West Midlands report

See the West Midland's progress towards making cycling an attractive and everyday way to travel.

Download the report

This report is also available in a text-only format.

38,000 cars

taken off the road every day by cycling in the West Midlands

23,000 tonnes

of greenhouse gas emissions saved every year by cycling in the West Midlands


of residents don't cycle but would like to


of residents think that more cycle tracks along roads physically separated from traffic and pedestrians would be useful to help them cycle more

A women cycles through birmingham on a warm sunny day

Bike Life through the years

This is the first time we've collaborated with Transport for West Midlands (TfWM) to survey cycling in the city. Want to see how things have progressed?

It follows reports for Birmingham in previous years.

Download our other reports:

"We hope more of our staff will cycle. Recent enhancements to cycling infrastructure in Birmingham are a big help."

- Rob Anderson, HSBC Birmingham

Bike Life West Midlands

Got a question about Bike Life?

Bike Life is a collaboration between Sustrans and Transport for West Midlands (TfWM).

If you have a question about Bike Life, please get in touch.

Learn more about our Bike Life research.