Bike Life Tyneside

Bike Life Tyneside strengthens the case for investment to create a healthier, better-connected area. It shows how we can make sure everyone feels that cycling is a safe, accessible option for them.

Bike Life Tyneside 2019 report front cover

Read the 2019 Bike Life Tyneside report

See Tyneside's progress towards making cycling an attractive and everyday way to travel.

Download the report

This report is also available in a text-only format.

62% of residents

support building more cycle tracks separated from traffic, even if it means less room for other traffic

9,400 tonnes

the amount of greenhouse gas emissions saved every year by people cycling in Tyneside

£1.8 million

saved each year for the NHS by people cycling in Tyneside

25% of residents

from socio-economic groups D&E, don't cycle but would like to start

Woman cycling on residential street wearing helmet and backpack

Bike Life through the years

This is the first time we've collaborated with Gateshead Council, Newcastle City Council and North Tyneside Council to survey cycling in the area.

It follows reports for the city of Newcastle in previous years.

Want to see how things have progressed?

Download our previous reports:

"The advantages of the e-bike are that you can go twice the distance in half the time, and it’s more enjoyable."

- Craig Goff Cooper, General Manager at Ride Electric

Bike Life Tyneside

Got a question about Bike Life?

Bike Life is a collaboration between Sustrans, Gateshead Council, Newcastle City Council and North Tyneside Council.

If you have a question about Bike Life, please get in touch.

Find out more about our Bike Life reports from across the UK and Ireland.