Bike Life Inverness

Bike Life Inverness proves that the number of people cycling in the city is already reasonably high. But there is more to do if Inverness is to become Scotland's cycling city.

Bike Life Inverness 2019 report front cover

Read the 2019 Bike Life Inverness report

See Inverness' progress towards making cycling an attractive and everyday way to travel.

Download the report

This report is also available in a text-only format.


think that more cycle tracks along the roads physically separated from traffic and pedestrians would be useful to help them cycle more

1.5 times around the world

the amount Inverness residents cycle every day

£10.3 million

annual cost-benefit to Inverness from people riding bikes


think space should be increased for people socialising, cycling and walking on their high street

"In 2018, I had some arrhythmias in my heart. I am now in such a better place because of the bike."

- Andrew Barrett, GP

Read more from Andrew in the report

Got a question about Bike Life?

Bike Life Inverness was coordinated by Sustrans and funded by Transport Scotland.

If you have a question about Bike Life, please get in touch.

Find out more about our Bike Life reports.