Bike Life Greater Manchester

Bike Life proves how Greater Manchester is working hard to make travelling on foot and by bike the most accessible, hasslefree forms of transport.

Bike Life Greater Manchester 2019 report front cover

Read the 2019 Bike Life Greater Manchester report

See Greater Manchester's progress towards making cycling an attractive and everyday way to travel.

Download the report

This report is also available in a text-only format.

13% of residents

cycle at least once a week

26% of residents

don’t cycle but would like to


think that more cycle tracks along roads physically separated from traffic and pedestrians would be useful to help them cycle more

Up to 45,000 cars

taken off the road every day by cycling in Greater Manchester

Group leisurely cycling on a traffic-free path

Bike Life Greater Manchester through the years

This is the third time we've collaborated with Transport for Greater Manchester to survey cycling in the city. Want to see how things have progressed?

Download our previous reports:

"The children love the freedom of travelling in the cargo bike."

- The Betts family, Eccles

Read more from the Eccles in the report

Got a question about Bike Life?

Bike Life is a collaboration between Sustrans and Transport for Greater Manchester.

If you have a question about Bike Life, please get in touch.

Find out more about our Bike Life research.