Bike Life Dublin Metropolitan Area

There has been a boom in cycling in the Dublin Metropolitan Area in recent years. This report encourages us to intensify our efforts to deliver the top class cycling city that Dubliners so clearly desire.

Read the 2019 Bike Life Dublin report

See Dublin Metropolitan Area's progress towards making cycling an attractive and everyday way to travel.

Download the report in English.  You can also read the report in Irish.

This report is also available in a text-only format:

60,000 cars

are taken off the road every day by cycling in the Dublin Metropolitan Area

24% of residents

cycle at least once a week in the Dublin Metropolitan Area

78% of residents

believe that more cycling would make their area a better place to live and work

70.5 million trips

made by cycle in the Dublin Met Area in the past year

"I bring my two kids to school every day on my e-cargo bike. much more flexible as well as faster than the bus or car."

- Alan Downey, Engineering Manager in Dublin

Read more from Alan in the report