Our work in Scotland

Together, we are making Scotland a healthy, happy place to live, work and play, and a sustainable and beautiful tourist destination

Sustrans Scotland provides advice, support and funding that makes it easier for people to walk and cycle for everyday journeys.

Two women sitting on a wall next to Forth Bridge

Sustrans Scotland manifesto 2021: The time to act is now

We're calling on the next Scottish Government to prioritise funding for walking, wheeling and cycling.

Find out more about our manifesto asks for political parties in Scotland.

Michael Matheson, Cabinet Secretary For Transport, Infrastructure And Connectivity At Places For Everyone Launch 2019

Places for Everyone

Funding for ambitious projects to create safe, attractive, healthier places by increasing the number of trips made by walking, cycling and wheeling for everyday journeys.

Places for Everyone
woman cycling near water in Scotland

The National Cycle Network in Scotland

The Network in Scotland is promoted and developed by Sustrans, in partnership with local and national roads and planning authorities, Transport Scotland, Forestry Commission Scotland, Scottish Canals, Scottish Natural Heritage, National Park Authorities, landowners and other bodies.

pupil group cycling in Edinburgh


Sustrans Scotland successfully influences policy development to ensure that more people have the choice to walk, cycle or take public transport for more of their everyday journeys. We work closely with the Scottish Government, Local Authorities, government agencies and politicians in order to achieve this aim.

Policy context for school active travel in Scotland

cutting the ribbon with the community to celebrate new street design in Dumfries

Street Design

Award-winning design and engagement service, empowering communities to transform their neighbourhoods and urban spaces.

Street Design in Scotland

Pocket Places Scotland
adults and children walking and scooting to school on footpath

Transforming the school run

We support schools in Scotland in a variety of ways:

People walking and chatting

Active workplaces

Our workplace offers provide you with all you need to achieve healthier, happier staff, corporate social responsibility and business savings. 

Commuters take bikes from a cycle share scheme in Edinburgh

Partnership working

We work closely with local authorities, regional transport partners, national stakeholders and public transport providers across Scotland to make sure that active and sustainable travel is safer, easier and more rewarding.

Partnership working in Scotland

Latest news

Scotland Review 2019

From large scale infrastructure projects to working with communities, workplaces and schools, see a summary of our work in Scotland.

Scotland Review 2019

Funded by Transport Scotland, we’ve used our knowledge and experience to back hundreds of projects across Scotland.